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Companies in Jeonbuk extend to CES2025 global market

  • Hit47
  • Write Date2024-02-16
Companies in Jeonbuk extend to CES2025 global market image(1)
Companies in Jeonbuk extend to CES2025 global market image(1)
Companies in Jeonbuk extend to CES2025 global market image(2)
Companies in Jeonbuk extend to CES2025 global market image(2)

Companies in Jeonbuk extend to CES2025 global market


Jeonbuk state announced that it held ‘CES 2024* Report Conference of people in Jeonbuk state’ at Jeonbuk Tech Biz Center.


* 4,300 companies from over 150 countries participated. 135,000 people visited. 800 Korean companies participated.


Report Conference of people in Jeonbuk state on this day was prepared to share a new technology of future, to innovative products and others from CES with people in the state, deduce implications and then to enlarge college students’ participation opportunities and support for innovative companies as well as startups in the state which plan global expansion at CES 2025 of next year.


Though many local self-governing bodies, large companies, medium and small firms and startups participated in CES in the meantime, the first local self-governing body which held a report conference of people in the state was Jeonbuk state. It was a fundamental event which expressed a meaning of running Jeonbuk joint hall and a will of support for the advancement to global technology markets.


Starting with a tour of Exhibition Hall in advance, the event was progressed in order of a guest lecture, participated company’s review and policy proposal after using Company Exhibition Hall, Drone Soccer Promotion Hall and Photo Zone with a background of CES images.


Download the full file 2024-02-05CES2024전북특별자치도도민보고회-3.JPGdownloadViewer
