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Youth Exchange between Jeollabuk-do and Ðăk Lăk Province, Vietnam

  • Hit632
  • Write Date2022-04-01

Youth Exchange between Jeollabuk-do and Ðăk Lăk Province, Vietnam

Jeonju Technical High School in Jeollabuk-do and Tuiwen University of Technology in Vietnam concluded an agreement for vocational education exchange by video conference.

This conference was achieved because Jeollabuk-do recommended Tuiwen University of Technology, Ðăk Lăk Province, Vietnam a friendly district overseas, and Jeonju Technical Highschool and Tuiwen University of Technology answered positively.

Taking this opportunity, Jeonju Techinical High School pushed up with international exchange with Southeast Asia districts, and took an opportunity to formulate global recognition and develop vocational education for the school.

Jeollabuk-do plans to expand the exchange among overseas sister-friendly exchange districts to respond to international exchange demand to provincial organizations and provincial inhabitants.


