
News on Policy for Foreigners

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Jeonbuk Publicizes Attracting Foreign Students from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

  • Hit43
  • Write Date2023-12-06
Jeonbuk Publicizes Attracting Foreign Students from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia image(1)
Jeonbuk Publicizes Attracting Foreign Students from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia image(1)

Jeonbuk Publicizes Attracting Foreign Students from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Jeollabuk-do started to attract Mongolian foreign students together with the Korean Embassy in Mongolia.


Jeollabuk-do participated in 'Mongolia-Korea Week' held by the Korean Embassy in Mongolia, operated in-province university publicication booth, and held 'Jeollabuk-do Foreign Study Explanation Event (August 25 ~ August 27)'.


The site parents and students wanting foreign study to Korea visited the booth prepared in Suhbator Square, the center of Ulaanbaatar City, the capital of Mongolia endlessly.


Especially, the parents inquired about 'foreign study expense', and Jeollabuk-do responded the inquiries, explaining concretely general current status of provincial universities, the policies of scholarship and dormitories classified with respective universities etc.

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