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Kim Kwan-young Inaugurated as the 36th Jeollabuk-do Governor

  • Hit569
  • Write Date2022-07-06
Kim Kwan-young Inaugurated as the 36th Jeollabuk-do Governor image(1)
Kim Kwan-young Inaugurated as the 36th Jeollabuk-do Governor image(1)

Kim Kwan-young Inaugurated as the 36th Jeollabuk-do Governor


The inauguration of the 36th Jeollabuk-do governor elected for the 8th action by popular vote which notified 'start of new Jeonbuk' was held at Jeollabuk-do Office Auditorium on July 1, 2022.

Kim Kwan-young governor said, " I will move forward to 'new Jeonbuk' which 'innovates together', 'Succeeds together', and start the future of Korea at Jeonbuk".

The core keywords of provincial government taken by Kim Kwan-young elected for the 8th action by popular vote are civil life provincial government, innovative provincial government, and practical government, and provincial government visions are "innovate together, succeed together, and new Jeonbuk".

The visions are Kim Kwan-young governor's resolution that he will create the models of new growth, new politics, new welfare and education and that he will help Jeonbuk lead Korean future.


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