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Holding a visiting briefing session to recruit foreign skilled manpower

  • Hit30
  • Write Date2024-05-07
Holding a visiting briefing session to recruit foreign skilled manpower image(1)
Holding a visiting briefing session to recruit foreign skilled manpower image(1)

Holding a visiting briefing session to recruit foreign skilled manpower



Jeonbuk State stated that “a visiting briefing session to change regional special type Visa(F-2-R/F-4-R) and Visa for skilled manpower(E-7-4)” had been held at Sunchang County Office and Jangsu County Office on April 17.


The briefing session was pushed ahead targeting the foreign-human resources officer for companies in Sunchang County and Jangsu County. The officer in charge at a Job Center of Jeonbuk Business Agency explained the system’s main content, its advantage, how to apply and others, and had time for question and answer with participants.


In future, Jeonbuk State has policy to continue to actively push ahead a visiting briefing session after figuring out the demand of cities and counties.



Regional special type Visa(F-2-R/F-4-R) business

 -  : Granting special admission on staying for a long time(F-2-R) and supporting a settlement to international students(D-2) and people whose certain level of income(E-7) is satisfied and others are pushed ahead through the recommendation of a local government provided that they are employed in regional special business field or reside in a region where the population decreases.

 -  To Korean residents abroad(H-2, F-4), granting special admission on staying for a long time(F-4-R) and supporting a settlement through recommendation of a local government provided that they reside actually in a region where the polpulation decreases.



A system of skilled manpower(E-7-4) recommendation by Jeonbuk State

 - When Korean proficiency and a certain income for a foreign worker’s(E-9 or others) are satisfied, changing the qualifications for stay into the Visa that staying for a long time without departing to his or her own country(E-7-4) is possible is supported through a local government’s recommendation.


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