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Marriage Immigrant 365 Older Sister Mentor Team Is Increased to 320 Members.

  • Hit901
  • Write Date2024-03-25
Marriage Immigrant 365 Older Sister Mentor Team Is Increased to 320 Members. image(1)
Marriage Immigrant 365 Older Sister Mentor Team Is Increased to 320 Members. image(1)

Marriage Immigrant 365 Older Sister Mentor Team Is Increased to 320 Members.



Jeonbuk State held a mentor orientation to operate ‘Marriage Immigrant 365 Older Sister Mentor Team’ so that it can support 2024 marriage immigrants' nationality attainment to 320 members in a large scale


‘Marriage Immigrant 365 Older Sister Mentor Team’ is a project that marriage immigrants who attained Korean nationality already help new marriage immigrants who attain Korean nationaliy and marriage immigrants who want to attain the nationality and share know-hows about nationality attainment as a mentor group.


This year, the state will offer life-period services so that the new entrants can get mentors' supports about information related to real life, pregnancy and nurture, solution of conflict among family members etc. for 5 years until they can settle at the district stably in addition to support of attaining nationality by increasing support.


In August last year Jeonbuk State, for the pupose of increasing nationality attainment ratio, started the project by a demo project 40 mentors and 40 mentees, but determined to carry out the project in a large scale by increasing to 80 mentors and 240 mentees after this year.

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