
News on Policy for Foreigners

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Jeollabuk-do Consults about the Support Attracting JB Foreign Students

  • Hit85
  • Write Date2024-01-16
Jeollabuk-do Consults about the Support Attracting JB Foreign Students image(1)
Jeollabuk-do Consults about the Support Attracting JB Foreign Students image(1)

Jeollabuk-do Consults about the Support Attracting JB Foreign Students


Jeollabuk-do held a meeting for ' JB Consultative Group of Support Attracting Foreign Student' composed of 19 persons concerned on related organizations such as Jeollabuk-do Council, University Director of International Exchange Institute located in Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju Immigration Office etc.


Jeollabuk-do will grasp the opinion of the field through the consultative group accurately, and establish the policy to attract and manage foreign students effectively. The consultative group shared 2023 performance of support attracting foreign students and 2024 plan of support attracting foreign students, and discussed on the better way to carry out the plan.


Concerning on business plan of the next year, Jeollabuk-do suggested and collected opinions of ▲ operation of short-term trainee attraction program during vacation, ▲ production of promotional brochures for foreign students at universities in the province, ▲ establishment of policy to expand and manage the attraction of foreign students in Jeollabuk-do, ▲ operation of internship for foreign students in Jeollabuk-do, and ▲ Ministry of Education's respond to the designation of specialized special zones for overseas talent.



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