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2023 Saemangeum World Scout Jamboree Success Wish Performance

  • Hit543
  • Write Date2022-07-06

2023 Saemangeum World Scout Jamboree Success Wish Performance

Jeollabuk-do and Saemangeum World Scout Jamboree Pan-Provincial inhabitant support committee made progress of '2023 Saemangeum World Jamboree Success Wish Flocking' together with Jamboree supporters.

'Jamboree Success Wish Flocking' is an environment movement for eco-friendly jamboree image practice on the target at streets and tourism attractions in the province where environment cleaning is needed.

'Jamboree Success Wish Flocking' is an eco-friendly jamboree image practice to keep environment by wishing successful world jamboree held at Saemangeum in 2023 and by provincial inhabitant supporters' social contribution.

Jeollabuk-do expects for environment cleaning movement through jamboree flocking to be developed as a national movement and for eco-friendly Saemangeum jamoree recognition to spread in our nation.


