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Pushing ahead with the regionally specialized visa throughout districts where the population declines

  • Hit1320
  • Write Date2024-02-22

Pushing ahead with the regionally specialized visa throughout districts where the population declines


All the *10 cities and counties where the population declines in Jeonbuk state were selected at the open recruitment for ‘the regionally specialized visa project the Ministry of Justice carries out for the purpose of being responsive to population decrease in the regional community and vitalizing local economies and the state secured the quota, 703, type of local top-notch personnel.

*10 cities and counties: Jeongeup City, Namwon City, Gimje City, Sunchang County, Gochang County, Buan County, Jian County, Muju County, Jangsu County, Imsil County


Type of the regionally specialized visa project supports that long residence visa can be issued through the governor’s recommendation on condition that foreigners who met a certain standard such as a graduate of a domestic college who acquired a bachelor’s degree or higher or acquiring Level 3 or higher level of proficiency in Korean are employed at the specialized category of business and reside in regions where population declines


On the one hand, as Korean residents abroad are also required to be recommended by the governor in order that the regionally specialized visa is issued from this year, enlarging the influx of Korean residents abroad and inducing their stable settlement in districts are scheduled by publicizing actively to Korean residents abroad and inducing their participating when pushing ahead with a foreigner career fair and others.

